Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is label review?

The label review is a special operation while the experts review the labels, markings and label plans of products in accordance with the current legislation, and summarise their observations and recommendations in an easily comprehensible Hungarian report.

  1. Does Label Review Service Kft. assume responsibility for the label review made by it?

Yes. Label Review Service Kft. assumes responsibility for the label review made by in accordance with the contents of contract.

  1. What is the turn around time (TAT) of a label review?

3 working days in case of Hungarian label review. 7 – 10 working days in case of international review. Nevertheless, the TAT will be specified on the basis of a separate arrangement in case of each order.

  1. Does címkeellenőrzé undertake urgent label review?

Yes. The TAT even would be 6 hours in emergency cases. Preliminary arrangement is necessary in the case of each urgent review.

  1. Can I get discount from the service fee?

Yes. The rate of discount is specified on the basis of a preliminary arrangement in each case.

  1. In which file formats can I upload the label to be checked?

The system is only able to receive files in .pdf and .jpg formats, sized up to 10 Mb.

  1. Under which countries’ national legislation can I place an order for a check?

We can perform checks in accordance with the national legislation of the following countries in addition to Hungary: Austria, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and Greece. A preliminary arrangement is necessary in the case of other countries.

  1. In which languages are reports on label checks worded in foreign languages made?

Non-compliances or irregularities detected during the check are reported in the national language of the given country, explanations and other remarks are made in English.

  1. Is a repeated label check possible if the label text is modified on the basis of the recommendations of címkeellenőrzé

Yes. Post checking of the label of the given product is possible within 3 months of the first check. The fee is specified on the basis of a preliminary arrangement.

  1. The label check and documentation check of which products are undertaken by címkeellenőrzé

We carry out label reviews in connection with food, wines, food intended for infants and young children, dietary supplements and pet foods.